Section: Dissemination


Mathieu Feuillet is teaching assistant for the course “Traffic, Queueing and Networks” given by Thomas Bonald at Telecom ParisTech. A book (available in French [11] and English [10] ) has been written based on this course.

Christine Fricker was reviewer for the thesis defense of Gonçalo Jacinto's at the University of Lisbon.

Emanuele Leoncini is teaching assistant for the course “Séries et intégrales (étude approfondie)” at University Paris VI.

Philippe Robert gives Master2 lectures “Analyse probabiliste d'algorithmes” in the laboratory of the Probability of the University of Paris VI. He is also giving lectures in the “Programme d'approfondissement de Mathématiques Appliquées et d'Informatique” on Networks and Algorithms at the École Polytechnique. He gave a series of lectures at the University of Casablanca and a conference at the Lycée Rosa Park in Montgeron (91).

James Roberts lectured to third year students at Telecom ParisTech on “Traffic management and the future Internet”. He was reviewer for the thesis defense of M. Dirani (Paris VI).